374, 6th Cross, Opp. Narmada School, Wilson Garden, Bangalore-560027 - Get Directions

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    About Us

    We at Crazyflora, abide by our motto of Spreading Fragrance of Love Globally. Currently, we are leading providers of a wide range of flowers, fruits, plants and exotic vegetables in the country. Having established our presence across diverse regions, we have successfully created a big list of happy clientele that reiterate our claim of being the best in the industry. Being in the business since 1998, we have acquired a fair bit of expertise. We started with domestic flower trading and gradually progressed to import& export business of flowers s ... More

    We at Crazyflora, abide by our motto of Spreading Fragrance of Love Globally. Currently, we are leading providers of a wide range of flowers, fruits, plants and exotic vegetables in the country. Having established our presence across diverse regions, we have successfully created a big list of happy clientele that reiterate our claim of being the best in the industry. Being in the business since 1998, we have acquired a fair bit of expertise. We started with domestic flower trading and gradually progressed to import& export business of flowers spreading our network across Thailand, China, Mourses and Holland through import and export. In 2002 we started import exotic fruits like blueberry, cherry, dragon, mangosteen, mini orange, longan and other exotic variants to cater to the dynamic needs of the market. Later we added all indoor plants to our area of specialization. As of now, we have pan India agent and distributor network with our own production unit and from where we source gerbera, carnations, lilies and other flowers. Our state of the art farming unit is located near Doddabulpur in 20 acre land. We supply best selected quality for all distributor & agent .For us, flowers are not just any other commodity. We understand the importance of several factors like the freshness of flowers and their varied usage. From decorations for auspicious occasions to setting the stage for a wedding reception, flowers are an integral part of the décor when organizing an event. ... ...Less

    Basic Info.

      • Established In
      • 1998
      • Payment Mode
      • Cash
      • Buss Days/Hrs
      • Everyday : 8:00 am - 10:00 pm

    Our Portfolio

    Our Services

    • Wedding Decoration
    • Theme Decoration
    • Cakes And Chocolates
    • Fancy Gift Box Envelops
    • Delivery Outside India
    • Artificial Flowers And Vases
    • Pan India Delivery

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