12 Best Groom Safa Style To Go For This Wedding Season!

The groom safas are highly underrated, a safa can enhance the whole Groom Look. With a safa you can become a hero from a zero. Without a safa it seems something is missing, so don’t ignore that turban on your head it is a must for every groom to be. Why even miss out on that one thing that might look too small but can only add on to the overall look. Have a look at some great safa styles we spotted at weddings.

Matching safa with bride’s duppatta is a unique way to be adorned by grooms.

Photography by: Aanchal Dhara

Floral safa with a subtle shade is highly recommended for grooms who like to keep it light.Photography by: Safarnama Films

Another top safa style is matching it with the whole attire of the groom. A look that never goes wrong.

Photography by: Rimi SenPhotography by: Mili Ghosh

The Bandhani safa gives a traditional yet modern look to the whole groom look. This one for the grooms who like experimenting.Photography by: Picture Art Company

The Leheriya safa looks so cool, something that is an instant eye catcher.Photography by: Girl  In Pink Photography

Royal Pagdis is in trend since ages and definitely not planning to go out of fashion anytime soon.Photography by: As Photography Studio

Dual Toned safas are much loved by grooms and gives a unique look.

Photography by: Vogueshaire

The Golden safa gives a metallic look, for grooms who want to keep it simple.
Photography by: The Dew Drop Project

The Classic Pink pagdi came to stay and is still sported by many Indian Grooms.Photography by: The Photo Diary

Photogarphy by: Infinite Memories

The ombre safa is a not so common style but one cannot overlook how great it looks.Photography by: Beginnings For You

Checkout more links like these: 7 Colours For Groom To Experiment With6 Groom Wear Styles To Go For ! | Wedding Accessories For Groom – Indian and Western

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