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punjabi brides

Sahe Chithi Ideas for a Punjabi Wedding

Let’s first understand what Saha Chithi means. In Punjabi, Saha means marriage, and Chithi means a letter. Therefore, ‘Saha Chithi’ is essentially a wedding letter, also known as Sahe Chithi.  ‘Saha Chithi’ is like a wedding letter, also called Sahe Chithi. In Punjabi tradition, it serves as the official invitation given by the bride’s family […]

Unique Paranda Ideas For Brides

Parandas are not just hair accessories; they hold cultural and sentimental value. On the wedding day, the Paranda not only embellishes the bride’s hair but also adds a touch of joy and celebration to the entire ceremony, reflecting the exuberance and happiness of the auspicious occasion. Here are some unique Paranda designs we gathered for […]