Home Remedies To Increase Immunity To Fight Against Corona Virus!

- By WeddingPlz
- April 9th, 2020
- Celebration & Fun
- 3 Min Read
The whole world is going through a time of intense danger. Corona has spread across every part of
the world and it has already taken many lives, affecting economy badly. The situation is continued to
be worsen in some parts even after taking different measures. It feels like there is shutdown on
human kind.
We don’t want to put more light on the downside of this crisis as the condition is already known to
everyone rather let’s be more hopeful, more positive so let’s focus on how we can take preventive
measures, how we can improve our immunity because this is not an end; We can still have hope to
save our lives, our families, and most importantly our country. It is true that the disease is prevalent
and it is beyond cure at this moment according to the medical professionals.
But our conscientiousness can defeat it. For that we have to show our diligence and take good care
of Immunity, our lifestyle, and our surroundings. So we need to boost our immune systems at least
so that we can minimize the risks of this virus from spreading if not completely eradicate it.
So here, we have come up with a list of some remedies that can prove to be great measures to fight
against the virus. We are helpless but not hopeless!
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Regular hand-wash: It’s very important to wash your hand properly and regularly for minimum 20
seconds with soap. You can also use hand sanitizer containing alcohol which prove to be so
beneficial killing germs.
Avoid Travel and public places: The most effective thing to do is to stay at home. Avoid going
outside and visiting public places unless it is very very urgent. Be extra careful of social distancing
since most positive cases of Covid19 has found due to spread or direct contact of surface.
Improve Your Diet: A proper diet management is something that can help win the game. It is vital in
improving health and immune system. Intake of good foods, citrus fruits would be more beneficial.
Try to include some food which contributes most in fighting against infections such as Ginger, Garlic
which is immunity boosting natural herb, Yogurt a good source of probiotics, which helps in
improving healthy gut and immune system. Vitamin C is found to be a good cure for Common Cold
and maintaining healthy skin which has potential to fight against germs or other harmful invaders.
Addition of some vegetables like broccoli, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes in diet holds great
benefits. Vitamin D plays a great role in health management and Sunlight is the best source of it
which supports lung function and cardiovascular health. Also helps in building immune, brain and
nervous system health.
Take Enough Sleep: Timely and adequate amount of sleep is always needed in order to give rest to
your body. Our body requires proper rest which in turn prove to be so resilient to diseases. It can
minimize stress level. Proper sleep has direct effect on our immune and thus chances of getting
more preventive to disease gets increases at higher extent.
Staying Hydrated is Good: Try to drink adequate amount of water daily. Water is so important to
maintain a balance of foods we eat and hydration level. Also water helps us to flush toxic substances
from our body well and lower the chances of flu. Also make it a habit to drink Luke warm water at
regular intervals.
Adequate Exercise: In general doing regular exercise plays key role in improving health condition. It
has more benefits of boosting immune and reducing toxins from our body. Regular exercise helps in
improving metabolism. Our body get rejuvenated and energetic.
Reduce Stress Level: Reducing stress has direct effect on mental health. It can affect our thoughts,
feelings and behaviour. Also it can be the cause of degradation of immune and mental health since
symptoms don’t show up. So try to reduce the stress level by involving in activities like proper
exercise, deep meditation, spending some quality time with family, and doing what you love to do.
So these are some home remedies that surely going to help you most while fighting against this
acute disease. In this way you will help yourself to withstand the devastating effect of Corona
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