Necessary Footwear Collection For The Bride

Footwear selection is a really very important part of the wedding trousseau. We understand how tricky this can be so today we are solving this riddle for you once and forever.

Bridal look includes so many things that need to be taken utmost care while preparation for the special day from wedding outfits to makeup. Wedding shoes or footwear play significant role in gracing your look as it gives complete look to a bride from top-to-toe. Wonder yourself by the huge collection of bridal footwear with wide range of exquisite designs, color options and pattern. Check out these beautiful jutti, shoes luxury khussas designed in unique pearls, hand embroidered. They are fashionable as well comfortable too. Let yourself walk into a brand new life in these beautiful and amazing shoes bringing happiness in your way and aiding grace to your look.

# Heels
 Heels are a must and you should have a few pairs of different colour and designs to match with your outfits. Keep a variety of these from stilletos to peep toes. 

Heels By René Caovilla

Heels By Rajasthani Stuff

Heels By Papa Don’t Preach

Heels By Leonish

# Flats

These are an evitable part when you are shopping for the footwear. A few pairs or flats will ensure that you have something really comfortable as well as trendy to wear.

Flats By Rajasthani Stuff 

Flats By Leonish

# Juttis
Juttis are mix of both style and comfort and we highly recommend that you have a few of these.

Shot By Ruchika Basera

Shot By  Ruchika Basera

Jutti By Needledust

Jutti By Paio Shoes

# Shoes
Your shoe collection should definitely include walking shoes and sport shoes for doing all the running around once you settle. You can also add in a few boots.

Shoes By Ridhima Joshi

Shoes By Coral Haze

Shoes By Coral Haze

Shoes By Busy Bee Studio

Shoes By Aprajitatoor


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