Six Obvious Feelings Of A Would-be-Bride!

- By WeddingPlz
- June 16th, 2015
- Celebration & Fun
- 2 Min Read
Imagine a day when you get-up on an unfamiliar bed, and you have to start your life in a new family full of strangers. Isn’t that scary? But every Indian girl goes through this and surprisingly, the feeling of love overpowers all the feelings which she has before getting married. Don’t feel weird if being a would-be-bride you are going through the following feeling –
1. Fear – Either it is Arranged or Love, Marriage has many feelings associated with it. Especially for a bride, who is supposed to live in an altogether new environment where family, lifestyle, customs, home disciples and behavioural preferences, all are unknown for her. Fear is obvious in such situation. What, when, why, where, whom, how are the questions that keep haunting at every step in a new family.
2. Insecurity – Entering in a strange world is full of insecurities. Insecurity that the person you are marrying is good for you or not; insecurity that the new family members would accept you or not; insecurity that will you be able to adjust to the new environment; insecurity that all your expectations and dreams would be fulfilled with this relationship or not. These all insecurities keep your mind engaged but with time they help in checking all the parameters and getting certain about the relationship. Insecurities indirectly help in preparing mind for the upcoming changes.
3. Happiness – You are leaving your own family, home, belongings and in some cases your own city/country too…still you are happy! Isn’t this weird? Though logically it is unjustifiable but love is the answer to all your questions. Love is one such feeling which has power to subside all other feelings. Feel the happiness and let the other feelings rest in peace.
4. Love – Love is the feeling that surpasses all the other feelings. Marriage is an association in which ‘Love’ plays the most important role. It is the justification of all the weird feelings which does not have logics. So it’s time for you to love and feel loved, and let the other feelings go side by side.
5. Shyness – The feeling of shyness to speak, to express, to love and to face the fact that you are ready for a physical relationship. This feeling is so beautiful that the day you get engaged, you start blushing, sometimes even without a reason and everyone around can read that on your face.
6. Sadness – Leaving one’s own parents and home is definitely a saddening part associated with marriage for girls. You must be feeling very sad deep inside and before ‘vidaai’ there are thousands of time you might cry, sometimes in front of everyone and sometimes hiding from all. But it takes courage to leave our own home and accept the other family as our own and Indian society believes that only girls are born with the power & strength to do so.
Still if you are having doubts about the recent behavioural changes in you, go and consult your Married Sister/Friend.
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This is so true.Fear, sadness, happiness, this feelings god! this is so wierd yet exciting.
Most important feeling….Crossovered…
The butterflies in the stomach… also well curated 🙂
Giving very true ,helpful advices and tips !! Feels like reading more n more.