8 Simple Tips To Gain Weight For A Skinny Bride

- By WeddingPlz
- November 7th, 2014
- Celebration & Fun
- 2 Min Read
So you are a thin bride and gaining weight tops your priority list… don’t worry , its not as tough as you feel and a little discipline and focused approach can make you get the result you want. After all, You are the bride to be, and you have got to look the best.
The slim ones who desire to get some extra kilos before their marriage often find it difficult to gain weight, primarily because they have a high metabolism rate of their bodies which doesn’t allow any fat to accumulate as all the calories get burnt.
Here are few tips that will greatly help you all to gain some extra pounds before you hit the D Day.
1. Prepare a Schedule – Prepare a proper schedule or a regimen to gain those desired numbers. You should check your waist, thighs, abdomen, hips etc. These are the areas to accumulate fat. So once you are on the schedule you can always check in these areas while on a fat diet to be sure.
2. Nutritious Diet Plan – Watch those carbohydrates, fats, proteins in your food intake. You just cannot start bingeing on fatty foods, it won’t help. Instead go for a nutritious diet plan which includes food items rich in calories, like whole grains, nuts and oats prove useful to gain weight. Food including milk foods like milk shakes or chocolate shakes can be considered as sources to gain weight. Dairy foods like cheese, yogurt and ice creams are some healthy foods plus some fresh fruit juice can prove to be good.
3. Timed Snacks – In between the diet even if you feel like eating keep nutritious snacks near yourself to put rest to those hunger pangs. Supposedly you can keep pistachios, fruit and nut mixer, roasted channa, whole wheat / grain bread with butter etc. nearby you.
4. Eat frequently and strategically – Break down the meals to 5-6 small meals a day after every 3 to 4 hours, is recommended rather than over indulging in food. While eating eat those foods first which have the highest calorie intake and then the lesser ones like eggs taken before and cereals can be a healthy way to take food.
5. Strength and weight training – Working out strengthens the muscles and helps in improving body weight. The lean muscle weight can be improved by doing more of strength training. Avoid more of aerobic exercises as they help burning fat and calories more. Light to medium Weight Training will give strength to the muscles and will help gain weight.
6. Lots of Liquid – Drink as much as possible and keep you hydrated, it is advisable to have those fluids which can also supplement calories with them. Say it can be either milk or fruit juice without any additives. This will keep you hydrated, fulfill the calorie intake and will not affect your appetite as well.
7. Take rest – In the hustle bustle of an Indian Marriage, rest is the most neglected body function, but remember, after all it’s your marriage and you have to look your best. Exercise and nutritional diet are of no use if proper rest is not taken. A fresh and well rested face can win millions of heart instantly.
8. Consult a Nutritionist- If possible always consult Dieticians & Nutritionists while going for any sort of weight gain schedule. After all if you get some valuable tips by paying some price, it can always prove to be worthy enough.
Lastly, don’t forget that there are several women out there, who just want to be like you, so before starting off to any weight gaining measures, all you super slim ones! feel good about yourselves and be confident about the way you look.
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Nice blog.
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Nice tips. Really needed this one. Thank you
Fantastic post. I really enjoy this. Thanks for sharing.
Great Post. Thanks for sharing.