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Indiana believes in excellence in all fields of their operations. We serve nation by earning foreign exchange, serve customer by providing reliable, economical and efficient services. Thrust is to work for industry with dedication and commitment for service to ensure customer satisfaction. On perceiving upsurge in foreign countries to have close look of Indian people, their civilization, customs, religious practices, diverse food habits exotic flora and fauna, the visionaries of "Indiana" accepted challenge and entered in the field of tourism a ... More
Indiana believes in excellence in all fields of their operations. We serve nation by earning foreign exchange, serve customer by providing reliable, economical and efficient services. Thrust is to work for industry with dedication and commitment for service to ensure customer satisfaction. On perceiving upsurge in foreign countries to have close look of Indian people, their civilization, customs, religious practices, diverse food habits exotic flora and fauna, the visionaries of "Indiana" accepted challenge and entered in the field of tourism as far back as 1967. "Indiana" is derived out of " India" and "ana" A HINDI VERSION OF "Please come", " Indiana " means, "please come to India". The Company having been engaged in the Tourism Business over three decades, has a reservoir of vast experience to meet the personal needs of visitors. It provides comprehensive travel services to visitors. These include accommodation, conducted tours and ground transport in a wide range of choice. It organizes various special tours for those interested in Adventure, Religion, Indian Architecture, Handicrafts, Textiles, Music & Dance, Museum/Temple study and Indian culture. Indiana has the approval of Department of Tourism, Govt. Of India & Ministry of Railways to act as Railway Tourism Ticketing Agent. In order to keep abreast of the latest developments & with a view to constantly updating information & services, as one of the leading tour operators, the Company is holding membership of various National & International Travel Organizations such as IATA, UFTA, IATO, FHRAI, HRANI, TAAI, PATA, ASTA, JATA, UFTOA, NATA, PHD, IMM, FIEO, CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM & USTOA. In recognition of its outstanding performance in promotion of tourism to the country, the Company has got various awards from the Department of Tourism, Government of India. Indiana from its inception has been concentrating its efforts to promote tourism from Japan & now for the past few years it has globalized its tourism activ ... ...Less