About Us

    Gina's Kitchen started in 2010. I have always enjoyed feeding and entertaining people in my home. My friends and family were constantly after me to make desserts and different continental dishes to send to their homes. My husband and I finally decided to turn it into a business. Since my children required a lot of my time I was not willing to work from outside my home and hence the concept of "Gina's Kitchen" was born. Meaning I could be at home and do the things I love. Gina's Kitchen is a made to order catering service. Since everything that ... More

    Gina's Kitchen started in 2010. I have always enjoyed feeding and entertaining people in my home. My friends and family were constantly after me to make desserts and different continental dishes to send to their homes. My husband and I finally decided to turn it into a business. Since my children required a lot of my time I was not willing to work from outside my home and hence the concept of "Gina's Kitchen" was born. Meaning I could be at home and do the things I love. Gina's Kitchen is a made to order catering service. Since everything that comes out of Gina's Kitchen is made from the freshest ingredients, I require 24 hrs prior notice from my clients for an order. Gina's Kitchen food can be an add on to your dinner party/ lunch party/ tea party menu or can be a cozy dinner for the family. ... ...Less

    Basic Info.

      • Established In
      • 2010
      • Payment Mode
      • Cash
      • Buss Days/Hrs
      • Everyday : 10:00 am - 9:00 pm

    Our Portfolio

    Our Services

    • Baskets and Packaging
    • Egg Less
    • Imported Chocolates
    • Sweets
    • Dry Fruits

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1 User Review For Ginas Kitchen

  • Reviewer
    Reviewed by Lalita Verma 4.0
    On 02 Nov 2015

    I ordered some Imported Chocolates from here for my parents’ anniversary. The wrapping they did was so striking and the chocolates were delightful.