About Us

    Dr. Vinay Jacob earned his Medical Degree from St John’s Medical College, Bangalore and MS in General Surgery from Tata Cancer Research Memorial Institute, Mumbai. Dr. Vinay went on to complete his mch (Plastic Surgery) from NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad and DNB (Plastic Surgery) from National Board of Exams, New Delhi, India. Having travelled across the country during the many tenures of his father, now a retired army officer, Dr. Vinay Jacob has seen a lot of different kinds of situations - the 1984 riots and the Bhopal Gas Leak ... More

    Dr. Vinay Jacob earned his Medical Degree from St John’s Medical College, Bangalore and MS in General Surgery from Tata Cancer Research Memorial Institute, Mumbai. Dr. Vinay went on to complete his mch (Plastic Surgery) from NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad and DNB (Plastic Surgery) from National Board of Exams, New Delhi, India. Having travelled across the country during the many tenures of his father, now a retired army officer, Dr. Vinay Jacob has seen a lot of different kinds of situations - the 1984 riots and the Bhopal Gas Leak Tragedy, from close quarters. These incidents have left an indelible mark on Dr. Vinay’s mind, thus laying the foundation for pursuing the Medical Profession. Taking care of the continuous flow of patients in real time during the Earthquake in Gujarat in 1999, helped firm Dr. Vinay’s resolve to pursue the Medical profession. His interest in Surgery grew from his wanting to help people suffering due to deformities caused either by natural causes or by birth. Also having being brought up in the services background, making situation appropriate decisions is second nature to him. He has extensively done research work on the development of Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering while in Italy and is currently working on developing a team to provide these advanced modalities of care in India. Presently, he is involved in developing the Face and Hand Transplant programs in India with colleagues at the Grant Medical College at Mumbai. As an academician, Asst. Prof in Plastic Surgery, Dr. Vinay takes regular plastic surgery clinical teaching sessions for the plastic surgery residents in training, both at the Bombay Hospital as well as the Grant Medical College, Sir JJ Group and the GT Hospitals, Mumbai. ... ...Less

    Basic Info.

      • Established In
      • 2006
      • Payment Mode
      • Cash
      • Buss Days/Hrs
      • Mon - Sat : 9:00 am to 8:00 pm

    Our Portfolio

    Our Services

    • Laser Hair Removal
    • Skin Treatment
    • Spa Facility
    • Anti Aging Treatment
    • Cosmetic Surgery
    • Hair Transplant
    • Slimming And Weight Loss
    • Dental Care

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