Room No. 24, 1st Floor, Bhabha House, 191, Bora Bazar Street, Fort, Mumbai-400001 - Get Directions

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    About Us

    Global Voyages is a well established player in India's substantial travel and tourism industry. The company caters to package tours and hotel bookings in India and abroad aided by an effective network of tourism establishments. The company also offers all the services under one umbrella like Air Ticketing, Railway Reservation, Visa and Medical Assistance etc. The company is into car rentals in a major way with a separate division managed by professionals in the field. The company is growing rapidly to position itself as a major player in the co ... More

    Global Voyages is a well established player in India's substantial travel and tourism industry. The company caters to package tours and hotel bookings in India and abroad aided by an effective network of tourism establishments. The company also offers all the services under one umbrella like Air Ticketing, Railway Reservation, Visa and Medical Assistance etc. The company is into car rentals in a major way with a separate division managed by professionals in the field. The company is growing rapidly to position itself as a major player in the corporate sector.
    India as a historic land of diversity and cultural traditions is fast emerging as a leading tourist destination in the world. Within the huge geographical area stretching from Indian Ocean to the Himalayas (south to north ) and Rann of Kutch to Arunachal Pradesh (west to east) India exhibits diversity in its most vivid and enchanting form. Looking into geography, India offers almost all types and categories of geographical areas. The vast deserts of Rajasthan in the north west, the gigantic and snow clad Himalayan mountain ranges in Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh in the north, the tea growing hilly regions of Bengal and Assam in the east, the dark fertile soil of the Deccan plateau in south central India, the vast paddy fields of Andhra Pradesh in the south, the thick forests and rivers of the evergreen Kerala, and the coast line, which is one of the longest in the world, India covers and has almost everything related to geography. ... ...Less

    Basic Info.

      • Payment Mode
      • Cash
      • Buss Days/Hrs
      • All Days Open : 24 Hours

    Our Portfolio

    Our Services

    • 24 x 7
    • Out station travel
    • Driver service provided
    • Packaged Tour

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